Just Stop Oil supporters disrupt Heathrow

Just Stop Oil supporters have disrupted Heathrow in Just Stop Oil’s second week of action, working with other groups internationally to demand governments establish a fossil fuel treaty, to end the extraction and burning of oil, gas and coal by 2030. [1]

At around 8:50 am, six Just Stop Oil supporters blocked access to the departure gates of Heathrow Terminal 5 South. The supporters could be seen holding signs which read ‘Oil Kills’ and ‘Sign the Treaty’. In addition to these six, police arrested someone filming the action, whilst at least another 10 people have been arrested on public transport.

One of those arrested today is Di Bligh, 77, a grandmother from Rode, who was formerly CEO of Reading Borough Council. She said:

“Climate breakdown is endangering all we love. Starvation already threatens those who have done the least to cause this mess. Billions will be on the move as they try to find land they can cultivate, water to drink- any safe place.”

“Electric cars and windfarms won’t do it: governments must act together before we reach more tipping points into chaos than we can prevent. We need our political leaders to act now, by working with other nations to establish a legally binding treaty to stop the extraction and burning of oil, gas and coal by 2030.”

Also arrested today is Ruth Cook, 72, from Somerset who said:

“We can’t carry on as normal pretending that the climate emergency isn’t happening. The evidence is all around us and people in many parts of the world are already suffering – droughts, famine, floods, wildfires.” 

“I am here for my two grandchildren, my two grandnieces who have just come into this world, and for all children – what future will they face? I want to be able to look them in the eye and tell them that I did all that I could. We need a fossil fuel treaty to Just Stop Oil by 2030.”

Today’s disruption follows an action at Leipzig-Halle Airport in Germany this morning, where five supporters of Last Generation have glued themselves to the tarmac, preventing cargo planes from taking off. [2]

The last week has seen the world’s four hottest days ever observed by scientists, dozens have been killed in the raging floodwaters and massive mudslides triggered by Typhoon Gaemi, whilst hundreds have been killed in mudslides in Ethiopia and India. Half of Jasper in Canada has been reduced to ash. About 3.6 billion people have endured temperatures that would have been exceedingly rare in a world without burning fossil fuels and other human activities, according to an analysis by scientists at the group Climate Central. 

This “taste” of a +1.5 degree world is showing how the natural systems that humans depend on will buckle amid soaring temperatures, said Johan Rockström, director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research in Germany. Forests have shown less ability to pull carbon out of the atmosphere. Sea ice around Antarctica has dwindled to near record lows. Coral bleaching has became so extreme scientists had to change their scale for measuring it. “The extreme events that we are now experiencing are indications of the weakening resilience of these systems,” Rockström said. “We cannot risk pushing this any further.”

Climate scientist Kim Cobb, director of the Institute at Brown University for Environment and Society said: “We’re dancing about a climate average that is very dangerous for communities and ecosystems around the world.” [2]

Yesterday, a further two Just Stop Oil supporters, Phoebe Plummer and Jane Touil were imprisoned. There are currently 16 peaceful people imprisoned in the UK for demanding the UK government act on the threat of climate breakdown. [3]

The Oil Kills international uprising has been taking action at airports around the world. 21 groups across 12 countries have taken action at 20 airports so far. They include Letzte Generation Germany, Folk Mot Fossilmakta and Scientist Rebellion in Norway, XR Finland, Futuro Vegetal in Spain, Just Stop Oil in the UK, Drop Fossil Subsidies and Act Now – Liberate in Switzerland, Letzte Generation Austria, Extinction Rebellion and Scientists Rebellion in Sweden, Doe Deurne Dicht in Belgium, Last Generation Canada, XR Boston, Last Generation America, and Scientist Rebellion Turtle Island from the USA. [4]

As long as political leaders fail to take swift and decisive action to protect our communities from the worst effects of climate breakdown, Just Stop Oil supporters, working with other groups internationally, will take the proportionate action necessary to generate much needed political pressure. This summer, areas of key importance to the fossil fuel economy will be declared sites of civil resistance around the world. Are you in?

Sign up to take action at juststopoil.org.


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Oil Kills:  https://oilkills.org/

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Notes to editors:

[1] Just Stop Oil is a member of the A22 Network of civil resistance projects.

Critical seed funding for Just Stop Oil was provided by Climate Emergency Fund and Adam McKay in 2022 and 2023. Just Stop Oil is now largely backed by small donations from the public, although the Climate Emergency Fund continues to contribute.

Just Stop Oil ‘Blue Lights’ policy: our policy is, and has always been, to move out of the way for emergency vehicles with siren sounding and ‘blue lights’ on. 

We take all possible steps to ensure that no-one’s safety is compromised by our actions.

Our Demand: An end to oil, gas and coal by 2030.

Our governments must work together to establish a legally binding treaty to stop extracting and burning oil, gas and coal by 2030 as well as supporting and financing poorer countries to make a fast, fair, and just transition.

This can be accomplished by endorsing the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative and seeking a negotiating mandate to establish the treaty.

[2] https://x.com/_oilkills/status/1818788136031322622

[2] https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/2024/07/27/hottest-days-ever-recorded-climate-change/


[3] https://juststopoil.org/2024/07/31/phoebe-plummer-and-jane-touil-imprisoned/

[4] https://oilkills.org/news-press/