A coalition of groups including Just Stop Oil, Jeremy Corbyn’s Peace and Justice Project, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament and Insulate Britain plans to disrupt central London this Saturday and Sunday with a mass civil resistance march. The march, one of several large events planned for the day, will bring thousands of ordinary people to the streets of the capital to demand an end to the government’s harmful policies. [1]
‘We All Want to Just Stop Oil’ brings together a range of groups focussed on the cost of living and climate crises. By joining forces, the partners will highlight the connections between the energy crisis, which is driving millions of families into fuel and food poverty across the UK, and the climate crisis, which right now is causing mass loss of life and suffering all over the world, impacting first and hardest on countries in the global south who have contributed the least to rising global heating. [2]
Beginning at 11am, people will assemble at 25 starting points across London, including Waterloo, Paddington and Euston stations. From these locations, the groups will converge at Westminster to demand an end to the economic and moral madness of continued oil and gas expansion. [3]
There will be a photo call at 2pm, on the northside of Westminster Bridge, close to the Boudicca monument, with coalition partners and supporters present. Spokespeople from the various partners and supporters will be available for interview.
A Just Stop Oil Spokesperson said:
‘“We are currently witnessing the breakdown of all we hold dear. Our government has not ‘got this’ – they are increasing the grip of fossil fuels at our throat. If the government won’t stop approving new oil and gas projects then we will make them stop. Come to Westminster from 1st October to peacefully join thousands of other ordinary people in civil resistance because our lives depend on it.”
Jeremy Corbyn, the founder of the Peace and Justice Project, said:
‘“Record breaking weather is happening everywhere and everything is too expensive. That’s the crisis. You can’t separate out the cost of living and climate crises. The whole system, which creates billionaires and starves hundreds of millions, is the crisis. It can’t be resolved, it must be overcome and transformed.”
Stuart Bretherton, 24, Energy For All Campaign Coordinator, Fuel Poverty Action said:
“The climate crisis and the cost of living crisis are a direct result of how our economy is run for the benefit of an energy industry that will chew us up and spit us out. But at the same time we have common solutions to both these crises. Climate justice doesn’t mean further hardship, it means warm homes, lower bills, cleaner air and a better economy for every one of us.”
Lee Jasper of Blaksox, said:
“ The west relentlessly pumps out its carbon gas to feed its insatiable consumer economies, while the poorest people on the planet, in the global south endure climate catastrophe, famine and drought, whose people are being sacrificed to maintain unsustainable western lifestyles. We need climate change and climate justice.”
Zita Holbourne, Chair of Black Activists Rising Against Cuts, (BARAC UK) said:
“The issues of climate displacement, environmental injustice, migration, colonialism, reparations and systemic racism are all interconnected and part of the same struggle for racial justice and human rights globally. There can be nothing about us without us and until all of us are free, none of us are free.”
Kate Hudson, from the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament said:
“Fossil fuels have contributed to the two greatest threats facing humanity – climate catastrophe and nuclear war. They cause and sustain global conflict, entrench inequalities and have left some of our most precious environments on the brink of irreversible collapse. CND backs Just Stop Oil’s actions: the government urgently needs to switch its spending priorities particularly at this time of deep financial crisis. We need climate protection, not Trident; investment in our nurses and public services, not nuclear weapons and power, and to ensure good wages for all instead of further defence spending.”
Liam Norton, from Insulate Britain, said:
“The government’s plan to open new oil, gas and coal projects is the biggest act of government criminality in our history. They are participating in the destruction of this country and the murder of countless people around the world. What else can you call it? In order to stop new oil and gas we need to Insulate Britain. Now.”
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Press email: juststopoilpress@protonmail.com
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Notes to Editors
[1] ‘We All Want to Just Stop Oil’ is a coalition of groups working together to demand that the government immediately take steps to address the cost of living crisis and the climate crisis. More information on the coalition here: https://weallwanttojuststopoil.com/
Coalition Partners
Just Stop Oil. Just Stop New Oil and Gas. Let’s Start the Renewable Revolution.
Peace & Justice Project. Just Stop the Rip Off. Let’s Start Nationalising Energy and Taxing Wealth
Fuel Poverty Action. Just Stop Energy Bill Increases. Let’s Start Energy For All.
Insulate Britain. Just Stop Fuel Poverty. Let’s Start Insulating.
Animal Rebellion. Just Stop Animal Farming and Fishing. Let’s Start Rewilding the Land.
Blacksox & Black Activist Rising Against Cuts (BARAC UK). Just Stop Colonisation. Let’s Start Climate Reparations.
Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament. Just Stop Funding Trident. Let’s Start Funding Climate Solutions.
Wellbeing Economics Brighton. Just Stop Profit Before People Economics. Let’s Start Reforming Economics.
Stop The War Coalition. Just Stop Fossil-Fuelled Mass Murder. Let’s Start Diplomacy.
People’s Assembly. Just Stop Pretending You Represent Us. Let’s Start A Real Democracy For All.
Disabled People Against Cuts. Just Stop Attacks on Disabled People. Let’s Start Treating Disabled People Equally.
Extinction Rebellion Trade Unionists. Just Stop Trapping Workers in Unsustainable Industries. Let’s Start a Fair Transition for Workers.
Global Women’s Strike / Women of Colour.
End Fossil.
[2] The coalition partners and supporters are all marching under the shared banner ‘WE CAN WIN!’, with the following shared demands:
Just Stop New Fossil Fuels; Let’s Start the Renewables Revolution.
We want a future for ourselves and our kids.
Just Stop Energy Bill Increases; Let’s Start Energy for All.
End choosing between heating and eating.
Just Stop Billionaires; Let’s Start Taxing the Big Polluters and Super Rich.
Make them pay.
Just Stop Destroying Jobs; Let’s Start Insulating.
Lower energy bills, tons of good, clean unionised jobs, much lower emissions.
Just Stop Trashing Public Transport; Let’s Start Nationalising Trains, Trams and Buses.
Make it cleaner and easier to get around.
Just Stop Neo-Colonialism; Let’s Start Climate Reparations.
Cancel the scandalous international debt burden on the Global South.
Just Stop Pretending You Represent Us; Let’s Start A Real Democracy For All.
Politicians represent billionaires and big business. The people should make the decisions that affect the people.
[3] March start locations: https://weallwanttojuststopoil.com/find-your-start-location/