Keir Starmer: Prove your honour by agreeing to resign if Labour does not stop new oil and gas

Dear Keir Starmer,

We welcome the Labour Party’s stand of refusing to put the interests of the fossil fuel criminal elite and its tabloid media ahead of the lives of the British people. Committing to stop the suicidal madness of drilling for more oil and gas is the right thing to do. 

New oil and gas will hasten the collapse of human civilization and impose indescribable suffering upon billions of people. It is literally a matter of life and death for the young, for whole populations in small island states and for the poor in the global south. It is genocidal. 

So, without doubt, ending new oil and gas is the most important national imperative in Labour’s programme. Therefore, we call on you, Mr Starmer, to make a public statement that you will resign if the policy of no new oil and gas licenses and consents, including the cancellation of the ruinous Rosebank project, is not enacted within six months of winning the next election. We ask that a response is made within seven days of this letter. 

A positive response from the future Prime Minister will give the British people the reassurance they so desperately need that Labour is genuinely committed to protecting them and all that they hold dear by ending new oil and gas. If you refuse to make this commitment or ignore this challenge, then the country will draw its own conclusions and Just Stop Oil will be seen as the real opposition to this criminal Conservative government. 

As for the desperate bleating of the Conservatives that Labour’s policies will “trash the economy”, we say this: there is no economy without a stable climate. There are no jobs, no profits, no GDP. The Conservatives are trashing our entire country, our rivers and our wildlife. They are failing to protect us and actively planning for the deaths of countless millions of people. They are destroying public order and putting the private interests of the fossil fuel industry before the right of the British people to have a “liveable future”. As the scale of this betrayal becomes clearer, they will be held to account for the crime of genocide.

Yours sincerely,

Just Stop Oil