A group of 10 ordinary people standing peacefully outside the Kingsbury Oil Terminal holding placards were arrested this afternoon for breaking an injunction.
The Just Stop Oil supporters are potentially in breach of an injunction granted to North Warwickshire Borough Council on 14th April. The private injunction gives sweeping powers of arrest to the authorities and appears designed to help the state protect the profits of the oil industry by effectively outlawing any protest activity near the Kingsbury Terminal, the largest inland oil storage depot in the country.[1]
The Just Stop Oil supporters are likely to face a charge of contempt of court. If found guilty they face the prospect of unlimited fines and a prison sentence of up to two years.
Alyson Lee, 63, a retired teaching assistant from Derbyshire who took action at Kingsbury today said:
“I am terrified for my sons’ futures because the government is accelerating us towards climate catastrophe by planning to open up more than 40 new oil and gas fields in the North Sea. This makes a mockery of their climate promises. The government is taking us on an ecocidal and genocidal course towards global societal collapse.
Beth Garratt-Wright, 35 from Yorkshire who took action today said
“I don’t know what else to do. I can’t just let this happen. Using my body in this way has the chance of delivering this issue to the door of 10 Downing Street. It’s the only option that has a chance of working within the incredibly short timeframe we are working to.”
Paul Bell, 22, a physics student from Birmingham who has taken part in a number of previous Just Stop Oil actions said:
“I’m a scientist and a young person and I’m terrified about my future. I can’t just sit by and watch the government invest in oil and gas which is killing people now, fuelling wars and destroying my future. I would urge everybody, if you’re worried about your future, then take action. We can no longer be bystanders. There is so little time left.”
The action today follows a similar action yesterday in which 16 Just Stop Oil supporters were arrested and held on remand. They have been appearing at the Central Magistrates Court in Birmingham this afternoon. The Judge has just adjourned the hearing due to lack of time to make progress and the group are currently being released on bail, to appear again on 4th May at 10:30am. This despite an indication from more than one of them that they would repeat the action.
Since April 1st when supporters of Just Stop Oil first began blocking oil terminals there have been over 1000 arrests. The supporters of Just Stop Oil will continue the disruption until the government makes a statement that it will end new oil and gas projects in the UK.
The Just Stop Oil Coalition is calling on all of those whose futures are being destroyed, who are facing poverty now, and who are outraged at yet another betrayal by this continuing dependence on oil and gas, to step up and take action. Join our zoom calls at 7pm. It’s 2022 and the time to stand by has passed.
Press contact: 07762 987334
Email: juststopoilpress@protonmail.com
High quality photos and video footage available here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Dgcuv5vJjzfdSrdpX6HJEaayoidc08xy?usp=sharing
Website: https://juststopoil.org/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JustStopOil/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/just.stopoil/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/JustStop_Oil
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-t4U1Azf8AOkCBJILSNBmw
Notes to Editors
[1] https://www.northwarks.gov.uk/downloads/file/9139/injunction_order