Just Stop Oil supporters plaster Exeter Labour headquarters with posters

This morning at 6am, two Just Stop Oil supporters fly-posted the headquarters of the Exeter Labour Party with posters and printouts of a letter they sent to parliamentary candidate Steve Race last week. This letter asks him to commit to leaving the Labour party if, within six months of forming government, they fail to revoke the Tory oil licences granted since 2021. 

Steve Race had sent a response which refused to commit to this pledge due to a stated commitment to a “Labour Party manifesto which will have been worked on and collated by many thousands of people from across the Labour Party and the Trade Union movement”. The Labour Party manifesto has not been seen by members of the public, and it’s not known whether it has been written yet.

One of those taking action today was Jordan, 20, a psychology student at the University of Exeter. They said:

“Today I’m fly-posting the Labour offices for Exeter. Last week I delivered a letter to Steve Race asking him to commit to resigning if Labour does not revoke the Tory oil licences within six months of being elected. He refused. This means that Exeter Labour will remain complicit in the murder that is going to be caused by the Tory oil licences.”

“People are already dying because of the climate crisis. People in Libya last year were dying by the thousands, and this is only going to be made worse by Tory oil licences. We’re going to see the effects of it here in Exeter too. We’ve already seen the flooding that started, and the extreme weather events are only going to get worse. If Exeter Labour really cared about their constituents, they would have made a commitment to stopping Tory oil. We are here to keep them accountable, for the safety and health of their constituents and the world.”

Police officers attended the scene and spoke with the action takers but made no arrests. The action takers had a friendly discussion with a Labour staffer present who remarked “I completely agree with your right to protest”.

As the world passes tipping points that threaten the breakdown of ordered civilization, world leaders, captured by the interests of oil lobbyists and big business, are failing to protect our communities. British citizens are sick of being led by liars and crooks. Until we stop Tory oil, gas and coal, supporters of Just Stop Oil will continue taking proportionate action to demand necessary change. Sign up for action at juststopoil.org.


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Notes to Editors

[1] Just Stop Oil is a coalition of groups working together to demand that the government immediately halt all future licensing and consents for the exploration, development and production of fossil fuels in the UK. Just Stop Oil is a member of the A22 Network of civil resistance projects.

Just Stop Oil ‘Blue Lights’ policy: our policy is, and has always been, to move out of the way for emergency vehicles with siren sounding and ‘blue lights’ on.