We refuse to die for fossil fuels – Just Stop Oil response to police raids resulting in at least 27 arrests.

Over the last 12 hours the British state has acted unlawfully in detaining a total of at least 27 ordinary people sharing food at a community event and at their homes. Their only crime? They are Just Stop Oil supporters. 

Being a Just Stop Oil supporter is now enough to make you a suspect. Believing that no government has the right to tyrannise the entire world by encouraging the extraction and burning of fossil fuels, marks you out as a dangerous radical.

But we will not be intimidated. The painful truth right now is that our politicians and corporations have no intention of acting in accordance with the fundamental interests of either our young people or the country as a whole. Not content with cheering on war crimes in Gaza, our politicians have sat by and allowed the last government to licence yet more oil, making them complicit in the greatest crime in human history.

Continuing to extract and burn oil, gas and coal is an act of war against humanity that will result in unimaginable suffering and destroy the lives and livelihoods of billions of people. No one has ever voted for this, there has never been a democratic mandate to destroy the habitable world. 

Just Stop Oil supporters are deeply committed to protecting their families and communities from the tyranny of fossil fuels. If our government refuses to do what is right to protect humanity, then people will step up to do what needs to be done. We refuse to die for fossil fuels and we refuse to stand by while millions are murdered. 

That’s why we are joining an international uprising taking nonviolent collective action to defend humanity. Sign up to take action at juststopoil.org.

We demand that our government stops the extraction and burning of oil, gas and coal by 2030 and that they support and finance other countries to make a fast, fair and just transition. They must sign the Fossil Fuel Treaty to end the war on humanity before we lose everything.