Just Stop Oil Supporters Are Being Imprisoned For Telling The Truth

Last Saturday we stood together outside the Royal Courts of Justice in London in solidarity with those imprisoned for taking action in support of Just Stop Oil.


Just Stop Oil supporters are being charged and imprisoned for telling the truth about the government’s genocidal pursuit of new oil and gas. We have made a conscious choice to resist the destruction of humanity and we are prepared to accept the consequences. We don’t need you to feel sorry for us, we need you to join us, to step up and take action. Join our zoom calls at 7pm. It’s 2022 and the time to stand by has passed.


Meanwhile, oil giants Shell and BP bring in their biggest profits yet. Kwasi Karteng gives the greenlight to new oil and gas projects. And the science shows we have only a 50% chance of staying below 1.5 degrees of warming this decade.


THIS IS AN EMERGENCY. It is not fantasy, nor fiction. 


The real criminals are the ministers of this government who are signing death sentences for future generations and for all life on Earth.

What’s in this newsletter?

  • March update from Saturday 14th May 2022
  • Prison & court updates
  • Upcoming events
  • How to get involved
  • How to support JSO

Biff Whipster, 54, from Canterbury

From outside the Royal Courts of Justice, one of those recently released, Biff, said:

“I’ve been in prison with murderers, robbers… but the people who scare me most are sitting in Westminster & boardrooms across this country

… why are THEY not in prison?”

Join Biff & thousands of other ordinary people, who’re demanding that our government get a grip and put the future of humanity before meaningless profits.


Prison & Court Updates

Michelle Charlesworth, 55, remains engaged in civil resistance from inside Foston Hall, where she has been imprisoned since May 4th.

Speaking from prison this weekend, Michelle said:

“My courage is not wavering and I am here to do a job.  Inmates are curious and want to know more. It’s interesting how little officers and inmates seem to know or understand about the existential crisis we are in. Everyone is looking at us and wondering why we would go to such lengths.

“There is much work to do, sharing the message and showing this part of society what we are all about. Courage, love, solidarity, nonviolent resistance. The disruptions we have caused have impacted our wing – however the messages being filtered back through the prison grapevine is that there is respect for what we are doing”

In a further show of resistance, Michelle ‘Mitch’ Cadet-Rose, 56, from Chesterfield declined to appear in court at Birmingham on Thursday, where she was summoned for breaking the Kingsbury injunction. A warrant has been issued for her arrest.  She said:

“Knowing what the science really says, I feel I have no choice but to put myself into this vulnerable position. It feels like it’s my duty to use my privilege to stand up and be counted.”

Fines of between £350 and £700 and costs of £250 each were issued to Victoria Lindsell, 66 from Warwickshire, Dr Tom Barber, 62, from Nottingham, Eilidh McFadden, 20, from West Lothian and Rev Tim Hewes, 71, from Wantage.

Rev Bill White, 67, from Cheshire and Peter Morgan, 73, from Birmingham who were brought to court from prison have both been released with no further order for time already served. They have been in prison at HMP Birmingham since 12th May. They were ordered to pay costs of £250 each.


Upcoming Events


In person ‘Our Responsibilities At This Time’ talks – Every Week – Find an event near you

Weekly Zoom ‘Our Responsibilities At This Time’ talks – Every Tuesday 7pm – Register

Our Responsibilities At This Time With Roger Hallam: Tuesday 31st May 2022 @ 6-8pm Lewes Town Hall, High Street, Lewes, BN7 2QS – Register

Just Stop Oil Coalition: Taking Action To Ensure We Have A History: Climate activist and Carbon Literate Coach Zoe Cohen talk on how the climate crisis calls for mass nonviolent civil disobedience for change. – Register

Global Justice Now: PROTEST THIS SATURDAY: STOP CORPORATE COURTS KILLING CLIMATE JUSTICE⁠: Saturday 21st May 2022 | Meet at Brimsdown Train Station at 12pm to march to Enfield Power Station – More info

Also happening around the UK on the same day: https://www.globaljustice.org.uk/event/day-of-action-against-corporate-courts/


George Monbiot, speaking on his new book ‘Regenesis: Feeding the World without Devouring the Planet’ | Multiple dates and location – https://www.monbiot.com/events/


Overheated: A Billie Eilish, Support + Feed & REVERB event. Bringing together climate activists, musicians, and designers to discuss the climate crisis and their work to make a difference | O2 London | Multiple dates in June 2022 – https://www.imoverheated.com/


Trades Union Congress (TUC) We demand better: March and Rally – Saturday 18 June | Portland Place, London | Assemble from 10.30am | March departs 12pm | Rally 1pm – https://www.tuc.org.uk/DemandBetter


Recommended Articles and Further Reading



The Energy Agency recently told us we need to leave all new fossil fuels in the ground to have a chance of avoiding catastrophe.


Meanwhile Kwasi Kwarteng, the UK Business and Energy who continues to promote the sourcing of ‘more oil and gas’ from the North Sea.


Yesterday they met. But Fatih Birol clearly did not want to stand up to Kwasi. Like so many others with power and influence he clearly did not want to rock the boat. Even the International Energy Agency who knows the facts cannot stand up to Kwasi and his catastrophic plans. So we must.


Come to a talk (juststopoil.org) Just Stop Oil – NO ONE IS COMING TO SAVE US.

Scientists are saying that nearly half of existing #FossilFuel production facilities will need to close prematurely to limit heating to 1.5°C.


Anything beyond this point would mean humanity will face the dire consequences of #Climate breakdown.


We need everyday people like yourself to rise up against the fossil fuel industry to safeguard our future. Please join us!


Recommended Articles:


Kwasi Kwarteng wants natural gas to be reclassified as ‘green’ energy source to entice investors – Independent

It’s virtually impossible: Transition to renewables at risk as oil and gas workers struggle to access green jobs – Independent 

Revealed: the ‘carbon bombs’ set to trigger catastrophic climate breakdown – Guardian

The Tories are going all out to shut down protest. Just Stop Oil activists like me will not be deterred – Guardian

Inside Just Stop Oil: the ‘hooligan’ climate protesters taking on the tankers – video – Guardian

Revealed: UK fails to deliver £240m in net zero projects – Independent

Coastal fire: California mansions burn as wildfires spread – BBC

Footage shows moment historic Pakistan bridge collapses after flooding – video – Guardian


Want to get involved?

If you have not attended a talk yet, please click here for more info on our in person ‘Our Responsibilities Talk’ taking place near you or you can join one of our weekly zoom meetings online by clicking the link below.


Our Responsibilities at this time – Zoom Talk Registration: Every Tuesday at 7pm



Would you be up for writing articles for us? Please get in touch via this email info@juststopoil.org


For the planet,

Just Stop Oil


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